Structural Integration
Love Your Posture

Session One - Free the breath
We work together as a team to release restrictions in your breathing. The ability to breath with ease cannot be underestimated as any asthmatic will tell you, and feeling your breathing capacity increase will be very gratifying. We release tension from the neck, shoulders, ribcage, hips and hamstrings.

Session Two - Get the foundations level
Like building a house, we now start with the foundations. Level, strong feet and legs are necessary to support any of the structures above. Time is spent releasing the restrictions of the lower limbs, feet and back. We explore new ways of walking and sitting appropriate to our structure.

Session Three - Feeling the vertical line
This session works along the sides of the body, addressing the position of the pelvis and how it lines up with the shoulder and ear above and the knee and ankle below. It brings balance to the body and creates the foundation for the next session.

Session Four - Internal core support
The emphasis now changes to the deeper, core structures of the body. We work to release tension and create order from the ankle all the way up to the pelvic floor. The emphasis here is on connecting to the central part of your body. 

Session Five – Free the core
We build on the work of the previous sessions. Freeing habitual holding patterns within the pelvis, rib cage and abdominal muscles, we create space and order allowing the inner structures of the body (organs and deep abdominal muscles) to reassert themselves.

Session Six – Free movement in the pelvis
A horizontal and mobile pelvis is a central theme in Structural Integration, and here it is brought to the fore. You will really start to see how we are rebuilding the legs so the support they give brings relief and ease to the lower back.

Session Seven - A good head on your shoulders!
By this time we have created sufficient order in the legs, pelvis and thorax to consider how the head, neck and shoulders fit on top - putting the roof on so to speak! We now bring order to this top section of the body; while this area is the prime focus of session seven, earlier sessions will also address any restrictions that may be found in the head, neck and shoulders.

Session Eight, Nine and Ten – Integration and Balance
These sessions are more educational than the first seven. We educate the connective tissue with movement and manipulation, learning how to use these new movements we have created in the previous sessions. Focusing on generating good connectivity through both the pelvic and shoulder girdles to sustain optimal balance, you move closer to a natural, graceful, easy and erect alignment. “The goal of Rolfing 
is a more resilient, higher energy system”
Ida P. Rolf
The Process  Sessions 1-10 described

At the beginning of the first session we complete a 
personal history and health questionnaire and spend 
some time discussing your desired goals and intentions 
for your unique situation and structure.

During any Structural Integration session, your standing posture and walking are analysed for movement imbalances. Then we manipulate the connective tissues’ holding patterns, section by section. A session ends with movement and postural education based on the area we have worked on. You will be asked to participate in the session by breathing into the area being worked on or by making small, specific movements. 
Clients receive work in their underwear.
Gillian Duffin  087 121 9867   or   email