Structural Integration
Love Your Posture
Why choose Structural Integration?

Structural Integration Practitioners regard a person's body as an integrated whole. We do not look at any part of the body in isolation. A pain in your neck and shoulders could be the symptom of a rotation in your pelvis, a fallen arch or an old injury. The whole structure must be assessed to trace where the lack of support for the neck is coming from. Working to release only the painful problem areas is rarely enough. Lasting relief happens when the whole body is balanced. This is why we work to a ten-session template. Each session acts progressively building upon the last, until complete integration of the body is achieved, from the feet up. 
This approach affects the whole body in a deep and permanent way.

Dr. Ida Rolfs carefully developed sequence of 10 sessions differentiates SI from other therapies by allowing the practitioner to re-educate and organize the body so change is permanent. We work with the connective tissue in the body - that which connects everything! The connective tissue or fascia gives muscles their shape and the body its structure. It is everywhere in the body and has a memory that holds patterns. If the connective tissue is injured, it holds that memory too - in the form of thickened protective layers which restrict movement like an internal cast while healing happens. The body does not remove these ‘casts’ and movement remains limited in these areas. SI releases these dense areas allowing the muscles to move more efficiently, balances the body in segments to achieve vertical alignment, from front to back, side to side, top to bottom and inside to outside. 

When the body is out of alignment it creates inefficiency and imbalance resulting in stiffness, discomfort and loss of energy. When a body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease, requiring less energy to function. Good posture and movement is effortless in a balanced integrated body. The body becomes more flexible, more coordinated and athletic performance improves through receiving this work. Throughout the process, you will be educated about your habitual movement and holding patterns and encouraged to experience new ways to move working from your structurally optimal position.

When we try to pick out 
anything by itself, 
we find it 
hitched to everything else 
in the universe”
John Muir.
Gillian Duffin  087 121 9867   or   email