1.  Where did Rolfing come from?
2.  How does the body change and will the changes last?
3.  Why does Rolfing work?
4.  What are the long-term benefits?
5.  How frequently should sessions occur and can I exercise?
6.  Do I have to sign up for the 10 sessions straight away?
7.  Can children benefit from Rolfing?
8.  What is the difference between Rolfing, Chiropractic and Massage?
9.  What conditions can Rolfing help with?
10. What about contra-indications?

1 - Where did Rolfing come from?
In the 1930s, Dr. Ida Rolf - acclaimed US scientist and pioneer of complementary medicine - started to develop Structural Integration. SI was developed from the pre-existing complementary practices of osteopathy and yoga. This method became known as Rolfing, as a modification of Rolf's own name.

To know more about Rolfing see www.rolf.org - back to top -

2 - How does the body change and will the changes last?
Rolfing works with the connective tissue of the body, called 'Fascia'. This tissue holds all the organs, bones, nerves, blood vessels and muscles, giving the body its form or structure. Fascia is pliable and can be changed by injury, repetitive motions and or constructively by your Rolfer. Shortened or damaged fascia limits the body's range of motions. Restrictive movement patterns, whether from an injury or just sitting in front of a computer, can become habitual. Your Rolfer is trained to release your negative holding pattern in the fascia so that your body starts to line up along a vertical line, balanced from side to side. It is your connective tissue, your organ of structure that changes along with your awareness of how to use your body more effectively.

To know more about fascia see www.fasciaresearch.com - back to top -

3 - Why does Rolfing work?
Lasting relief happens when the whole body is balanced. For example, a pain in your neck and shoulders could be the symptom of a rotation in your pelvis, a fallen arch or an old injury elsewhere in your body. Your whole structure and way of moving must be assessed to trace where the lack of support for the neck is coming from. Working to release only the painful problem areas is rarely enough. When a body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease, requiring less energy to function. Good posture and movement is effortless in a balanced, integrated body. - back to top -

4- What are the long-term benefits?
Feelings of discomfort or pain are often alleviated as your posture improves. Other common benefits are greater flexibility, a feeling of lightness and fluidity, better balance, increased breathing capacity, increased energy and greater self-confidence. How well a client is able to engage with their own body and how great their individual capacity for change is, will influence the benefits. A small improvement for one client may represent a significant personal achievement for another. - back to top -

5 - How frequently should sessions occur and can I exercise?
Once a week is ideal but I recommend clients decide their own timing. Regular exercise is fine, but it's probably better not to run the Dublin Marathon until your series is completed! Going for walks and exercise like yoga and swimming help integrate your awareness with your changes. Weightlifting is contra productive.- back to top -

6 - Do I have to sign up for the 10 sessions straight away?
No, you are welcome to come for the first session and see how you feel. You will know after one session if Rolfing is for you.

7 - Can children benefit from Rolfing?
Rolfing is brilliant for young people with a variety of issues. Sessions tend to be shorter and are tailored to the child's age and attention span. Working with Scoliosis in childhood is of particular benefit. - back to top -

8 - What is the difference between Rolfing, Chiropractic and Massage?
Rolfing looks for the cause of pain in your structural alignment and your personal body habits. In order to achieve long term relief we treat the whole body on the principle that pain finds long term release through balanced body alignment and movement with awareness. - back to top -

Chiropratic work tends to treat the area of pain and relieve it through bony adjustments. Massage relieves stress and general tension in the body by manipulating the muscles. While both are positive, the intention of Rolfing is to work with long term structural changes to re-educate your posture and movement, preventing further problems. - back to top -

9 - What conditions can Rolfing help with?
Clients and practitioners have reported improvements in many conditions after a series of Rolfing sessions, examples of some conditions follow...

10 - What about contra-indications?
Rolfing is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. It makes no attempt at diagnosis and does not prescribe. Its purpose is to bring order to our structure; thereby increasing well being and allowing us reach our potential. Feel free to email questions about pre-existing health concerns.
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